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Re: Puppet Masters
- To: cypherpunks@toad.com
- Subject: Re: Puppet Masters
- From: Anonymous <anon@anon.efga.org>
- Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 22:03:05 -0400
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- Sender: owner-cypherpunks@Algebra.COM
Sunday, September 07, 1997 - 03:16:32 MET
> > i am getting a very bad feeling that maybe the level of inside/outside
> > censorship of the press may be a good indicator, like the Doomsday
> > Clock, of how close we are to the day when the Puppet Masters finally
> > step out from behind their masks.
> Puppet Masters don't step out from behind thier masks. They have
> someone else step out for them.
> ~kp
-Creeping encrouchment-Puppet Masters Get Increasingly
With each succeeding assault on the constitutional rights of citizens
the gov't both tests and increases the public's willingness to give
away those rights. As we sit idly by, parlor intellectualizing,
anyone who really dares to organize, gets fried, on national tv for
the trouble.
Make a timeline from the first live at 5 fry of the 'bad guys' in the
70s, to the present and observe the circumstances surrounding each
When they started this- judged on television, fried on television-
brainwash, they at least tried to put on a semblence of
justifiability,..ie SLA," kidnappers, bankrobbers,thugs disguised as
mad dog radicals"..etc and went to great lenghts to see that the
point was well propagandized to the 'people' and that the 'people'
accordind to neilson or gallup or somebody, were in consensus and
then 'puff'', charcoaled the constitution with human kindling before
A few op ed pages later, with no real political or social fallout.
They decide to do it again, and then do it again, upping the ante
each time.. .the Order, Mt. Carmel, Weaver, etc
...By the time they do the Davidians, they offer specious
reckless charges that were never substantiated and in fact were
easily discredited and 85 people burned alive on national tv. people
who were never charged with any crime-when federal goons
attempted to serve a specious search warrant as if they were
marching into lebenon.
The militias of today are saying and doing what the Panthers
advocated 25 yrs ago. Though each of these groups held to
radically different ideologies, the common denomionator is they took
a stand against an illegal abuse of local and federal power by
organising into a community of interests that was prepared to defend
it's right to do so against outside intrusion, and that is whatthe
puppet masters would not tolerate.
They aren't going to come jackbooting into our cities and towns.
They are already there, shoving plungers up our ass when they don't
like the way we look. They isolate any pocket of dissension (and
to dare to organize into a community is to dissent) , whether it is
black, white, christian, islamic or whatever,..can you say
"cypherpunk".. and burn them out of existence, putting it on tv as an
object lesson for the rest of us,
The local police, the military, both houses, the administration and
all the various goon squads are all pigs drinking from the same trough. The presidential elections are a
tv show designed to give us the illusion of a democracy. Its no
accident that the houses reconvene with the new tv season. It is all
for mind control nothing else.
Now I am no christian fundementalist, white supremicist, black power
fanatic or anything else; just an average person trying to live my
life simply and freely but the only way things will change is when we
the 'coach potato sheeple' including intellectual armchair quarterbacks
who think they are superior and above it all because they can run a few
sentences together, docmartin, airjordan, dingo, nike and ourache our way into
washington with some plungers of our own and enlighten the fucking white
house the same way they enlighten us.
Timothy McVeigh for President Committee-