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Re: Weasel nymserver closed due to child porn investigation
On 07 Sep 1997, I wrote:
> 3. Mail to weasel.owl.de users will be remailed as usual, until I
> have transferred the accounts to another nymserver. I would be very
> grateful if the admins of nym.alias.net or anon.efga.org are willing
> to host weasel's nyms until the investigations are closed and weasel
> is hopefully up again.
Andy Dustman, the operator of the redneck nymserver at anon.efga.org,
has now installed the weasel accounts on the EFGA server. This means:
1. I don't have any data of pseudonymous users available anymore.
2. Mail to <yournym@weasel.owl.de> will be forwarded to
<yournym_w@anon.efga.org> ("_w" for weasel).
3. Mail to {send,config}@weasel.owl.de bounces with the following,
now somewhat more detailed error message:
Sending mail from weasel.owl.de is disabled until further notice. Please
read <19970907224816.29967@squirrel.owl.de> in alt.privacy.anon-server for
more information. The accounts have been moved to redneck (anon.efga.org):
<yournym@weasel.owl.de> is now <yournym_w@anon.efga.org>.
Johannes Kroeger <hanne@squirrel.owl.de>
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