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Re: Gao's Chaos Cryptosystem Algorithim


Could you please write your encryption algorithm in some more formal
language (like C or Pascal) more completely? At least to me, the way you
presented it is a bit hard to understand.

Thank you


Nobuki Nakatuji wrote:
> P(i) Plaintext,C(i) Ciphertext,K(j) Key,Ch(i) Chaos signal,
> L Irrational number
> P(),C()-->Manage in byte,Length supposing that n byte.
> K()-->Character line from ASCII CODE,Length supposing that m.
> Ch(n)
> begin
> Xn+1=aXn(1.0-Xn)
> return Xn+1
> end
> f(K)
> begin
> w = Sigmaj strtoul(K(j))j
> delay=int(w/L)
> return(double)(w/L-delay)
> end
> 1.K input
> 2.delay generato
> 3.Ch(i) generato
> 4.P(i) acquire
> 5.C(i)=P(i) XOR Ch(i+delay)
> 6.C(i) output
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	- Igor.