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Re: Government shows its hand...good news!


> Though it's understandable why so many are expressing anger, gloom,
> anxiety, and rage over the Freeh-Feinstein mandatory key escrow draft bill,
> a better attitude is that of joy.

> Any way it goes, this is good news for us.

> If the Safe Internet Act (or whatever it is finally called)  is passed, the
> Supreme Court will likely strike it down (on First and/or Fourth Amendment

Joy may be an overreaction.

I just wrote (in part) to ukcrypto@maillist.ox.ac.uk:

Perhaps the law will be passed, then struck down by courts as unconstitutional
(after campaigners have incurred some expense) and something else will
replace it days later.  I'm too young to be this cynical.

On another subject: Micali's patents are described in AC2.
(Page 97 is missing from the indexed list of Micali-mentioning pages,)

On page 98 Schneier says of the advantages of key escrow:
  "Well, there really aren't any".

# Antonomasia   ant@notatla.demon.co.uk                      #
# See http://www.notatla.demon.co.uk/                        #