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Re: Nuclear Hedge Funds
--- On Sep 08, Eric Blossom apparently wrote ----------------------------------
> > (Conventional explosives could also cause a billion or more dollars
> > worth of damage to a major wafer fabrication plant, of course, but
> > the manufacturing capacity could be shifted to other plants in a
> > matter of months. Some major short sale opportunities, but not
> > nearly what a nuke could do to a _region_, in terms of direct blast
> > effects, fallout in surrounding city blocks (tens of square city
> > blocks, at the least, esp. give OSHA standards, etc.), and the sheer
> > panic effect.)
> On of my favorite analyses of a similar scenario is contained in "The
> Curve of Binding Energy" by John McPhee (available at your local
> Borders or Barnes and Noble). He basically interviews a high energy
> physicist and works out the back of the envelope calculations on
> yields, where to get the plutonium, where and how to place the device,
> etc. A key point was that a high efficiency device is not required. A
> dirty 1.5 kiloton gadget placed on the 40th floor of the World Trade
> Center takes out one tower and kills a shit load of folks in the
> adjacent tower. Includes other rules of thumb such as "one kiloton of
> explosives vaporizes one kiloton of matter". YMMV, don't try this at
> home kids, etc, etc.
Destruction by a nuclear blast is most likely not even the issue here.
Using a relatively small amount of plutonium (ie. not even enough to
produce a critical mass) and enough explosives to blast this into the
atmosphere you can kill a (very) large number of people over a
relatively small amount of time due to plutonium toxication. These
devices are the real "dirty gadgets", not really expensive and therefor
perfectly suitable for terrorist organisations.
But what a dreadfull way to die...
--- and thus sprach: Eric Blossom <eb@comsec.com> -----------------------------
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