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Re: Gao's Chaos Cryptosystem Algorithm
On Tue, Sep 09, 1997 at 08:26:25AM -0500, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> Nobuki Nakatuji wrote:
> > >Nobuki Nakatuji wrote:
> > >> >I will just repeat Prof. Choate's question, how do you generate Ch.
> > >> Ch generate
> > >>
> > >> begin
> > >> Xn+1=aXn(1.0-Xn)
> > >> return Xn+1
> > >> end
> > >
> > >What does aXn(1.0-Xn) mean? That's what I do not understand.
> > >
> > It mean Chaos function.
> How do you calculate this function?
> Thank you.
> - Igor.
Forgive me, but isn't this just the standard technique for calculating
these things? Recall the algorithm for calculating points in the
mandelbrot set -- a point X0 is in the set if the infinite series
described above converges to a value within certain bounds?
[The infinite series defined by
X0 = something
Xn+1 = a * (Xn) * ( 1.0 - (Xn) )
This iterative technique is the fundamental idea behind the creation
of the mandelbrot set and Julia sets, as I recall.
I don't know anything at all about the "Chaos Cryptosystem Algorithm",
but there might actually be more to it than just another onetime pad.
Kent Crispin "No reason to get excited",
kent@songbird.com the thief he kindly spoke...
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