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Re: Removing Tyranny from Democracy (Part II), (fwd)

>Forwarded message:
>> From: amp@pobox.com
>> Date: Tue, 09 Sep 1997 09:26:21 -0500
>> Subject: Re: Removing Tyranny from Democracy (Part II),
>>  was Democracy is the true enemy...
>> > I don't believe there are intrinsic flaws in democracy, so much as
>> > there are intrinsic flaws in *human*nature* that are coming to light
>> > after decades. government is a reflection of our human natures.
>> > one cannot really expect a government to correct the flaws of its
>> > users, any more than software could do the same.
>> No intrinsic flaws in democracy?
>> Surely you jest.
>Please be so kind as to detail your top three flaws...

I think my Parts II and III detailed a number of shortcomings of democracy,
at least when the franchise goes to 'employees' as opposed to 'customers'
of government.
