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Re: Net Papa: Global Internet Taxes Inevitable

On Wed, 10 Sep 1997, Ulf =?iso-8859-1?Q?M=F6ller?= wrote:

> >   GENEVA -- Internet taxes are inevitable, according to the man dubbed
> >   the "Father of the Net."
> Funny thing to claim, given that the European Commission of all has
> already rejected Internet taxes half a year ago.

Bit taxes are inevitable. The European Commission has rejected new taxes
for now since doing so at the time generated a higher PR benefit than
could have been purchased from the tax revenue. That will change. The EU,
just as the USG, will change the tune before long. Understand that I am 
not saying that they will change their mind. They mind to establish a bit 
tax is already made up. Just as they had made up their mind years ago to 
ban any and all use of non-GAK crypto by private citizens. [It is against the
very nature of government to leave a revenue source untapped forever].

> Sure. Why are there no airbags in those datagrams, yet?

There will be airbags in datagrams. Or the equivalent of airbags. Thanks
to IP v6, authenticated datagrams can trivially be mandated. Naturally, 
authentication of datagrams will be mandated once the government is 
increasingly faced with the "negative" side effects of the Internet. 

-- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred