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Re: in defense of Lon Horiuchi (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Subject: Re: in defense of Lon Horiuchi
> Date: Thu, 11 Sep 97 20:07:27 -0400

> >Even dumb ole me, who ain't no crack shot, with one of those nifty 
> >(off theshelf) Styer-Mannlicher countersniper rifles with the neato 
> >Zeiss autoranging scope was able to punch a coke can 5 for 5 after 
> >one ranging(cheater) shot at 600 meters. I'm told that the FBI has 
> >much nicer rifles than that. And I ain't trained.
> >
> >(couldn't hit the Mountain Dew can, couldn't see it)  
>   Horiuchi shot Mrs Weaver at slightly over 200 meters .... not much o
> of a chnace he didn't hit what he was aiming at ... which begs the
> question of *wha* was he aiming at?  The rules of engagement
> promulgated by Louis Freehs buddy Potts (I think) were nothing more
> than a death warrant and I have heard that most of the FBI marksmen
> balked at them ... but not good ole 'doin what I'm told to do' Lon ...
> yeah right!

Whether what he did was right or wrong needs to be decided in a court of
criminal law. He killed an individual in the name of the people using our
tax dollars, the people are deserving of an accounting.

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