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Re: More on House Intelligence committee amendment on crypto
In <v0300782fb03e5ec4028b@[]>, on 09/11/97
at 08:07 PM, Bill Frantz <frantz@netcom.com> said:
>At 3:38 PM -0700 9/11/97, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>>So I'm reading through the 43-page amendment to SAFE that the House
>>Intelligence committee approved today. It includes:...
>They're really foaming at the mouth back in 'ol DC. Lets see:
>(1) Free speech is dead. c.f. Judge Pattel's opinion in the Burnstein
>case. (2) The right to a public trial is gone too.
>(3) The right to privacy is forgotten. Close those clinics. (4) If
>crypto is an armament, then the right to keep and bear it is gone. (But
>that right was already in tatters.)
>(5) The right to be safe from unreasonable search is gone if you can't
>challenge a search in the courts.
>(6) etc. etc.
>And over what is merely the practical application of some obscure
>mathematics, these turkeys are willing to trash the constitution they are
>sworn to support and defend. It would be really funny if it wasn't so
No what is grim is the fact that 90% of Armericans don't care.
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