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Re: in defense of Lon Horiuchi

Zooko Journeyman wrote:
> All I intended to assert was that Lon Horiuchi is almost
> certainly not the malicious baby-killing murderer that
> Anonymous portrayed.

  That is *not*at*all* certain.
  Others turned down the job because they didn't want to risk
becoming baby-killing murderers.
> But comparing such a policemen to a
> terrorist who deliberately targets non-combatants with a bomb
> is beyond the pale.  

  How about comparing him to a handful of BATF agents who scoot
out of the building to be bombed, leaving the non-combatants 
behind without warning them of the danger?
  Is that a good comparison?

> That, but for my interruption, this
> comparison would have passed unremarked among the cypherpunks
> crowd is damning.

  You are certainly assuming an awful lot, here. If you hadn't
butted in, some of us who agree with him would have taken the
opposite position just to be contrary sons of bitches.
> I don't expect that merely because of my contradiction the
> more rabid cypherpunks will suddenly throw off their twin
> blinders of ideology and hatred.  Neither do I desire that
> they retreat into closed conversation where they can continue
> their self-inflaming rants without fear of interruption.

  Had a toilet plunger stuck up your ass, lately, Zooko?
Is that why you didn't waddle on over to Waco and watch those
nice LEA's help those Bible-thumpers out of the compound?
  What's the matter? You miss the Nazis? Sorry we butted into
your politics over there. We could send you some FBI guys as

>  My
> motivation in posting critical articles like these is primarily
> because there are a great number of silent readers of the
> cpunks list, and some of these people, perhaps being young or
> inexperienced, may consider such vile slanders to be
> self-evident truths if they continually see them pass
> unchallenged.

  Zooko, I'm very happy for you, living in a country where the
LEA's apparently kiss the citizens on the lips when they meet.
Go suck on a toilet plunger while burning some babies and give
some thought to moving to the New Amerika.
  We'll have Rodney King meet you at the airport. Ask him to
show you how fast his car can go.

  How about we divvy up the duties of teaching these young,
inexperienced readers the truths of life.
  You teach them how to say "Heil Hitler!" and we'll teach them
how to say "Lock and Load!" Their future is going to be mighty
dim if they don't know how to say one or the other.
