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Re: Real issue of crypto controls: security or taxation loss?

On Mon, 15 Sep 1997, Dan Geer wrote:

> i recall Tzu also saying that you need to use the enemy's momentum to
> your advantage, the principle of judo if you will.  in parallel,
> revolutionaries of many stripes have found that "heightening the
> contrast" is necessary if you mean for real change to occur. 
> in other words, shift the weight of who is radical to them.  wrap
> ourselves in the flag deep within the big-government-sucks camp.  march
> on the capital dressed as skin heads demanding the end of privacy for
> some sorrowful group or other.  send the kind of letters that get you
> into trouble with the Secret Service but send them encrypted in Bill's
> private key (which you can issue him whether he likes it or not).
> mau-mau the flak catchers...

I like these suggestions on how to fight fire with fire.  (Regarding the
last one though, do remember that even just impersonating a federal
official carries a jail term.  Federal citizens have more rights than the
rest of us.)

Whimsically, I can imagine a coalition of dictators lobbying congress in
favor of a key escrow policy.  "Enciphered communications are causing us
to lose our iron grip over our people.  We must impose key escrow now, so
that we can monitor domestic communications, and execute citizens who
exchange undesirable political ideas."

Regarding the struggle in general for free crypto, have faith that spin
control should always work in our favor.  Even if the entire government
remains opposed crypto, the press should still be on our side. 

T Barber