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Re: (Fwd) Cuban terrorist used encrypted phone (fwd)
Tim May wrote:
> At 3:36 AM -0700 9/16/97, Charles Anthony wrote:
> >From: Scott Carr <scarr@bgnet.bgsu.edu>
> > I just heard this on CNN. Apparently, the Cuban government has arrested
> >an alleged terrorist for several hotel bombings. They clain he was hired
> >by Anti-Castro forces in the US. Now, for the relavant part for the list;
> Ah, but he is not a "terrorist," then. Being hired by anti-Castro forces in
> the United States automatically makes him a "freedom fighter." He's only a
> terrorist if he works for Oceania, er, Eastasia, er, whomever we don't
> currently like.
> Had he blown up a Cuban airliner, as CIA-supported forces did a while back,
> he would still be a freedom fighter. Had he sent a package of pamphlets to
> Hamas to aid in their struggle against the Zionist occupiers, he would be a
> terrorist.
Had he said, "Nuke Havana.", he would be a freedom fighter.
Had he said, "Nuke D.C.", he would be a Freeh->Dumb Fighter.