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Re: New Computer Security Act

At 11:44 -0700 9/18/97, Tim May wrote:
>By the way, today is the 50th anniversary of the National Security Act,
>which created the National Security Agency and the United States Air Force,
>amongst other things (some of them probably still secret).
>I doubt Clinton will be at the Fort Meade HQ for a ceremony, as he's on his
>way to Stanford, where both of us will, amazingly enough, be tomorrow. Wish
>me luck!

No, Clinton didn't make it to Fort Meade today, though he could have -- he
and Hillary aren't leaving for California until later this afternoon.
There's plenty of time since Air Force One only takes two hours to cross
the country. This from other folks in the bureau who have travelled with
him (and in fact will be going with him to CA); I haven't been on the
Presidential Plane myself.

Instead, he went to the Pentagon to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the
Air Force. If Clinton went to Fort Meade, the press weren't told about it.

Clinton is speaking at Stanford University's convocation tomorrow at 3:30,
returns to Hyatt Rickeys afterwards. Don't know if he's overnighting in
California or not.

Tim, just promise me if you're arrested, you'll call me (collect) from jail
and tell me the story. (After you call your lawyer, of course.)
