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Re: Because they want to be "players"

On Thu, 18 Sep 1997, Tim May wrote:

> At 5:53 PM -0700 9/18/97, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >It includes very, very troubling severe criminal penalties for the use of
> >encryption in a crime. When encryption is in everything from light switches
> >to door knobs, any crime will include crypto, no? It would be like
> >criminalizing "breathing air in the commission of a crime..."
> Yes, SAFE is an evil bill. And anyone who supports the "use a cipher, go to
> prison" language (*) is guilty of a most serious crime.

Does this mean that if domestic un-GAK'd cryto is a crime then you get
charged twice?

(1) Once for using un-GAK'd crypto
(2) Once for using cyrpto in the commission of a crime

"..the only entrenched criminal class in America is congress"
Mark Twain
(perhaps slightly paraphrased)

      "How do you explain school to higher intelligence?"
               Elliot to his brother in ET