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Re: sooner or later
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>From: "David Downey" <digital_matrix@hotmail.com>
>To: whgiii@invweb.net
>Subject: Re: sooner or later
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>Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 16:41:28 -0500
>X-Old_TimeStamp: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 14:41:28 -700
>Oh I wouldn't be feeling to optimistic with that. We in the
>crypto/anarchist community are a very small minority. Our govenrmnet
>would have no qualms at all of taking us out. A nice little Reichstag
>Fire to turn popular opinion against us and then the storm troopers
>will be sent out. If you are expecting some type of popular support >of
"us" against "them" I think you are sorely mistaken. The majority >of the
sheeple would be all to happy to turn in those evil >cryptologist for
their 5min of fame.
I wouldn't say that we are that small of a minority. There are many
folks out there that feel the same way that we do. I know of a large
community in Kentucky, USA that feel that the government is slowly trying
to institute a police state. (And no, I do not mean a militia, though
many of them are friends that I had the honor of serving with in the US
Army.) The viewpoint that I am trying to get accross comes from looking
at history. Although many groups that went against governments were in
fact wiped out, they left an indeligible mark on the minds and attitudes
of future generations. Some even to the point of creating another
generation of "freedom fighters" that actually forced the government to
radically re-evaluate it's stance on certain items. (There are too many
incidences of this to mention, though the slave movement in Rome, and the
Spartan soldier revolt do come to mind.) What is to say that with
the physical fire-power of today, and good old fashion American grit such
as was shown at Iwa Jima by the US Marine Corp, we could not show the
Government that we could not change their minds? I personally would hate
for things to come down to that level, yet it seems that they are forcing
us more and more towards that path. (Please don't misread my statements.
I do not advocate the overthrow of the government. I merely am commenting
on the fact that the factors which contributed to the American Civil War
becoming a reality are once again present today. If another war should
break out today... let's just say that is one nightmare I'd prefer *not*
to have!
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William H. Geiger III http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
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