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Re: San Diego CPunk Physical meet this Thursday
- To: Christian Claborne <Claborne@CYBERTHOUGHT.com>, cypherpunks@toad.com, Adam@rosa.com, 0045642@ccmail.emis.hac.com, loki@obscura.com, pwitham@cts.com, karn@qualcomm.com, sglass@netcom.com, moy@acusd.edu, john@eb.com, mclow@owl.csusm.edu, mthompso@qualcomm.com, bosborn@ucsd.edu, cypherpunks-announce@toad.com
- Subject: Re: San Diego CPunk Physical meet this Thursday
- From: Lance Cottrell <loki@infonex.com>
- Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 19:29:01 -0700
- In-Reply-To: <>
- Sender: owner-cypherpunks@Algebra.COM
You Might want to resend that with a corrected subject line. It says
Thursday while the body says Wednesday.
At 3:41 PM -0700 9/20/97, Christian Claborne wrote:
>This Wednesday!!!
> San Diego Area CPUNKS symposium Wednesday, Sep. 24, 1997.
> Topic:
> What action do we take if the situation get's out of hand (See
>message below
>from Mark H. below).
> It is my belief that any group, no matter how small, can accomplish great
>things if they apply themselves. Cypherpunks are not just "users", they
>poses several additional quanta of the stuff that enables creative thought,
>and skill.
> Don't forget to bring your public key fingerprint. If you can figure out
>how to get it on the back of a business card, that would be cool. If you
>the suspicious crowd there to sign your key, bring two forms of ID.
>Place: The Mission Cafe & Coffee Shop
> 3795 Mission Bl in Mission Beach.
> 488-9060
>Their Directions:
> 8 west to Mission Beach Ingram Exit
> Take west mission bay drive
> Go right on Mission Blvd.
> On the corner of San Jose and mission blvd.
> It is located between roller coaster and garnett.
> It's kind of 40s looking building... funky looking
> (their description, not mine)
>They serve stuff to eat, coffee stuff, and beer + wine stuff.
>See you there!
>New guy, bring your fingerprint.
>Drop me a note if you plan to attend...
> 2
> -- C --
>- ------------------------
>Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 16:04:22 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Mark Hedges <hedges@infonex.com>
>To: all-at-infonex@infonex.com
>Subject: federal cryptography legislation
>Sender: owner-all-at-infonex@infonex.com
>A bill called "SAFE" (HR-695, "Security and Freedom with Encryption") in
>the U.S. House of Representatives would have allowed U.S. software
>companies to export strong cryptography, and would have promoted privacy
>in all U.S. communications. Cryptography is mathematical means of making a
>message secret. Now, this bill has been rewritten to introduce more
>restrictive cryptography legislation than ever before seen in the U.S.
>Public support for cryptography use and export is very strong, as
>evidenced by the California state legislature's unanimous vote 9/5/97,
>calling on Congress and the President to revise and relax export laws
>(SJR-29). Companies world-wide already produce strong cryptograpy
>software, and U.S. buisness is rapidly losing ground in the world-wide
>software and telecommunications market.
>The House National Security Committee this week voted to continue export
>restrictions in the SAFE bill and to install "key escrow" proposals of the
>defense and intelligence organizations. This would not only continue the
>status quo legislation, it would strictly regulate and restrict domestic
>use of cryptography, an unprecedented act.
>Key escrow legislation in SAFE would mandate government "back doors" in
>all communications software before the end of the millennia in the United
>States, imposing criminal penalties for use of secure cryptography.
>Effectively, every citizen would be required to give law enforcement
>involuntary and transparent access to all communications, including
>financial, business, and personal messages.
>Key escrow also exposes all U.S. communication to a single point of
>failure, which a hacker, spy, or corrupt official could exploit to gain
>access to all personal, industry, and financial information.
>More information is available in our most recent press release. Press
>releases can be viewed at http://www.anonymizer.com/press/.
>Please, call your congressional representatives and senators and encourage
>them to oppose restrictive legislation on cryptography and mandated
>government access to all communications. Names and phone numbers for your
>local legislators can be obtained from www.house.gov and www.senate.gov.
>Mark Hedges
>Anonymizer Inc.
>Infonex Internet Inc.
>Version: 2.6.2
>- -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
>Charset: noconv
> ... __o
> .. -\<,
>Claborne@CYBERTHOUGHT.com ...(*)/(*)._ Providing thoughts on
> your computing needs.
>PGP Pub Key fingerprint = 7E BF 38 3F 24 A7 D1 B0 54 44 96 AA 10 D0 5D 51
>Avail on Pub Key server. PGP-encrypted e-mail welcome!
>Dreams. They are just a "screen saver" for the brain.
Lance Cottrell loki@infonex.com
PGP 2.6 key available by finger or server.
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra. Suddenly
it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night the ice
weasels come."