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InfoWar 19 / GeigerBurg III Text
The True Story of the InterNet
Part III
Final Frontier of the Digital Revolution
Behind the ElectroMagnetic Curtain
by TruthMonger <tm@dev.null>
Copyright 1997 Pearl Publishing
InfoWar Table of Contents
* Extra! : News From the Front
Extra! : News From the Front
[News Flash! From: http://www.turnleft.com "The Home of Liberalism on the
What They Don't Want You to Know
by Auto-Correspondent "http://www.cjnetworks.com/~cubsfan/conspiracy.html"
In order to understand InfoWar you need to realize that everything is
controlled by a CypherPunks list made up of Cult of One members
with help from Nobody and Anonymous.
The conspiracy first started during the Censorship Experiment in
majordomo@toad.com. They have been responsible for many
events throughout history, including the InfoWar.
Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be
identified by their Code writing.
They want to electronically forge TruthMonger posts and imprison
resisters in Silicon Valley using Trei Transponders.
In order to prepare for this, we all must Nuke DC. Since the media
is controlled by Declan McCullagh we should get our information
from Black Unicorn's yellow-menace writing in blanc snow..
Just as he had suspected!
A Player To Be Named Later read the output of the Java script at Left Turn's
'Make Your Own Conspiracy Theory' page.
Left Turn had confirmed everything he had been discovering on his own, even
when he had discovered facts and information which pointed toward completely
contradictory conspiracy theories. A Player To Be Named Later recognized
that this was positive proof that the roots of the Great Conspiracy had
spread throughout the very fabric of reality, itself.
He now knew that the conspiracy was no longer just some outside entity which
lived in the shadows around him, waiting for him to let down his guard
before it sprang its waiting traps and enclosed him with its vicious iron
He now knew that it went much, much deeper than that.
Now, he knew the conspiracy was in his Mind!
A Player To Be Named Later had immediately dropped all of his other InterNet
personas and erased all signs of them from his hard drive. With the new
knowledge he had gained, he knew that he could no longer trust even himself.
The first sign that the conspiracy had managed to spread throughout both
reality and virtual reality were the posts to the CypherPunks mailing list
by Damaged Justice.
Subject: Internet putting truth in danger
From: Damaged Justice <frogfarm@yakko.cs.wmich.edu>
Organization: Somewhere just far enough outside of your jurisdiction
To: cypherpunks@Algebra.COM
THE generation that has grown up on The X-Files poses a threat to the
future of journalism, Fergal Keane, the BBC's Asia Correspondent, said
last night.
Subject: Assassination Politics of a sort
There's a bounty on Gordie Howe's head. And Gordie isn't laughing about it.
Howe, 69, is planning to file a police complaint against a California radio
personality who offered a bounty to have "the old fool pummeled back to
Subject: FBI vs Silicon Valley: Guess Who's Winning?
The likely outcome: a tactical retreat by industry to avoid an all-out rout.
The electronic wizards seem to have met their match in a Washington cop
named Louis Freeh.
Subject: Trac[k]ing the Successful Drug User
By deploying their questionnaire on the Web, the researchers are
hoping to use the relative anonymity of the Net to access a "hidden
population" of drug users who would be disinclined to give accurate
reports of illegal use to face-to-face interviewers, Nicholson says.
In a short series of posts, Damaged Justice had managed to subtly point out
The InterNet, in the hands of the public, was a threat to truth.
Assassination Politics would lead to the death of heroes such as Gordie
Louis Freeh is going to kick the electronic wizards' butts.
Successful people on the InterNet are all secret drug users.
A Player To Be Named Later had seen the duplicity in Damaged Justice's posts
long before this, just as he had in the posts of Se7en.
Se7en purported to be a diabolical hacker turned lecturer, working the
security and LEA (law enforcement agency) circuit, but it had become obvious
that it was they who were working him. Se7en had got caught up in the LEA's
child pornography ruse and wrote a lengthy diatribe to the CypherPunks list
about the millions of pedophiles lurking in the shadows of the InterNet.
This came at a time which was convenient for adding support to the agendas
of several of the government shills working the list at that time.
A Player To Be Named Later had followed the trail of alleged pointers and
addresses that were provided by Se7en, only to find the usual spooks lurking
in the background. It was obvious that the spooks were doing their best to
cultivate a crop of genuine pedophiles by seeding the InterNet with pointers
to trails of perversion that they had carefully laid out themselves. No
doubt they would keep their self-generated perverts on ice until it came
time to drag them out into the public eye for one of their show-and-tell
displays of the 'good fight' they were putting up against the evil InterNet.
A Player To Be Named Later hadn't run his usual analysis on the past posts
and email traffic of Damaged Justice and those connected to him, but he was
not sure that it really mattered anymore, anyway.
There were indications that
FUD/DoubleSpeak/SpinDoctoring/VirtualTruth-whatever you wanted to name
it-had reached critical mass.
He took another look at one of Choate's posts to the CypherPunks list:
Subject: 6 USAF Crashes in 7 days = InfoWar?
From: Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com>
To: cypherpunks@ssz.com (Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer)
Just a thought...
The connection was obvious.
A number of stories made it into the periphery of the mainstream press
concerning the U.S. spooks campaign to murder 'bad' foreigners by
introducing defective parts into the products they bought for their armed
forces. Then the U.S. forces immediately got hit with a rash of high-profile
'accidents' to their own military units.
It was a clear message to the U.S. spooks that two (or more) could play that
game. So clear, in fact, that the Pentagon publicly and privately pulled in
the reins on a variety of normal and special operations, in order to shake
the trees for defective parts and defective soldiers. (Mostly the latter.)
The Real Guy had planned an expose on the background events taking place in
this area, but had decided not to do so, uncertain as to why he had made
that decision, at the time.
Now, A Player To Be Named Later realized that it was because FUD (Fear,
Uncertainty & Disinformation) had become the rule of the day, and there was
no longer anyone left to preach to but the converted-and the converted were
becoming unconverted at an increasingly rapid rate.
It had become obvious, I suppose, when it took so little effort on the
Pentagon's part to cover up the pair of rogue U.S. Air Force pilots who had
been positively linked to the Circle of Eunuchs by the secret task force
dedicated to rooting them out of their hiding places deep within the bowels
of government and corporate agencies around the world.
It was not surprising that they had managed to cover up the involvement of
the nuclear bomber pilot, since they were able to label her a sex criminal
before she had taken any overt action that would serve to trigger the
interest of those paying close attention to such things.
It was her proximity to the Author's current location that had led to her
discovery. The retired Air Force intelligence officer who had been assigned
to shadow the Author in Do Well, Saskatchewan, had alerted Canadian Customs
to notify him any time that soldiers from Minot Air Force Base crossed into
his territory. Although she never made physical contact with the Author, her
mere presence in close proximity to him led to an in-depth investigation
that turned up enough 'coincidences' to require her removal from service.
What was very troubling, however, was the fact that another of the Author's
contacts, from the Air Force base at his old stomping grounds in Tucson, had
been able to break formation on a training run, fly halfway across the
country with live bombs, almost making it to the site of the McVeigh trial
in Denver, and yet it hardly rated a "Gee, I wonder why he did that?" in the
mainstream press.
Tentative suggestions that the pilot was 'emotionally troubled' were eaten
up by the press, despite evidence to the contrary from his friends and
relatives, so readily that the Air Force never even had to release the
'psychiatrist reports' that had been hastily prepared to be 'leaked' to the
right sources, if needed.
A Player To Be Named Later wondered if all reporters for the mainstream
press were not, in fact, still incarcerated in the press compounds set up
for Operation Desert Storm. Were the 'backgrounds' they appeared to be
reporting from in reality just virtual creations from inside their media
A pilot carrying live bombs makes a beeline for the site of the Oklahoma
Bomber's trial; a truck full nuclear warheads goes missing; soldiers on a
base are the target of an armed assault; the pilot of a nuclear bomber is
shanghaied on curiously slim pretexts; a horde of major armed forces figures
suddenly resign or are shifted to non-sensitive positions-and the world
hardly seems to notice.
When a single former Russian General, however, with close connections to the
spooks, writes a no-brainer book with unsupported claims about nuclear
suitcases falling into the hands of the US's proclaimed 'enemies,' then the
mainstream press snaps to attention and gives full coverage to the dark
threat posed by theoretical, unseen, dark-skinned people who we will need to
be protected from, in the future.
"Gee, I wonder why he would do that?" A Player To Be Named Later said,
sarcastically, while visualizing a dark-skinned person in a foreign country
purchasing a nuclear suitcase from CIA-run Russian spooks.
"I suppose that if there was hard, non-refutable evidence of an Air Force
soldier purchasing a nuclear suitcase and going AWOL, headed for Washington,
DC, that this would be the reaction of the mainstream press. But let a
foreign 'darkie' try it, and all of a sudden we need to suspend some more
basic human rights, even if it was a BATF shill who was being run by a CIA
connected, former German intelligence operative who is related to a
high-ranking German politician who was involved in the Iran-Contra
drugs-for-arms scandal."
A Player To Be Named Later reached for a bottle of Scotch sitting behind his
laptop, taking a slow pull off of it as he reviewed the signs of the death
of investigative journalism in the past few years.
The CIA had used Woodward and Bernstein effectively during their assault on
the Presidency at the close of the Nixon scandal. The problem was that it
inspired a plethora of uncontrollable impersonators who wreaked havoc with
their efforts at FUD control. So they orchestrated the movement of
investigative journalism into the mundane mainstream of everyday life.
The sheeple didn't care about world politics and behind the scenes power
struggles. Their real interests lie in secret videos of an employee dipping
his dick in a coworker's coffee; a mechanic putting the old distributor cap
back on and charging the customer for a new one; a black mayor snorting coke
and getting a little trim from the ladies of the night.
All of this became breaking news which required the full force of the media
digging into the dark corners of these people's lives. Until the world's
nasty little secrets became just another everyday, run of the mill part of
normal life.
Now, Media Reality had finally approached critical mass, as foreseen by a
variety of voices crying in the wilderness, from George Orwell to Marshal
Now, it was only a matter of time.
A Player To Be Named Later read the "Internet putting truth in danger" post
by Damaged Justice, once again:
Mr Keane, delivering the Huw Weldon Memorial Lecture at a television
convention, said that he was worried about the growing influence of
the Internet, and the conspiracy theories that are aired on it.
God help us if things deteriorated to the point where ordinary people put
the mainstream media 'truth' in danger by pointing out the obvious to people
who didn't really want to know why a U.S. Air Force pilot would head for the
site of McVeigh's trial with a load of live bombs.
Maybe he just got lost�
He told the Royal Television Society's Cambridge Convention that the
rash of rumours about the circumstances of the death of Diana,
Princess of Wales showed that there was a public appetite for
speculation and fantasy. He said: "Will the generation growing up on
The X-Files really want to choose calm, considered reportage when they
have science-fiction and fantasy?"
"Calm, considered reportage." A Player To Be Named Later intoned, solemnly,
thinking about the first interview he had seen by the major media with
someone who had been close to the Princess's fatal accident.
"Explosion." That was the first, and only, time he had heard that word used
by someone who had been present at the time of the accident. By the time the
rest of North America had awoken that morning, there were only reporters
feeding the world the disinformation being officially released by the
authorities. And in a world where reporters will dig up a dead body to do
DNA tests to see if the deceased was, indeed, fucking Tom Cruise, the major
networks somehow managed to 'lose' the footage of interviews with the
original witnesses, offering, instead, interviews with people who thought
that maybe something was perhaps taking place down there in the tunnel, but
who really knows?
We were told that there were no witnesses to the accident, yet we were still
fed unlikely reports of a motorcycle with photographers on it zigzagging in
front of the death vehicle at over a hundred miles an hour, and sundry other
inanities reeking of 'now you see it, now you don't' spin doctoring.
He said that the trend threatened to plunge reporting into the
"rumour-ridden gloom of the Middle Ages".
God forbid that unseemly rumors might spread concerning a man heading a
covert organization involved in running illegal drugs and arms ascending to
the Presidency after succeeding the front-man who had come to power as a
result of those illegal actions, and who had invaded a foreign country to
capture the drug-dealing monster who had been his closest bum-buddy during
his spook days.
God forbid that Joe Average should be exposed to the knowledge that a
succession of their Presidents were backed by the big bucks made by their
friends and relatives in business with the Nazis right up to the end of
World War II.
Knowledge such as this was dangerous knowledge that would put the spoon-fed
"truth" of the mainstream media "in danger" if the InterNet was allowed to
become a purveyor of 'unofficial' or 'non-approved' news.
A Player To Be Named Later thought of the three days of intensive press
coverage in which a multitude of mainstream media personnel spent hour upon
hour adding fuel to 'official leak' inspired rumors while not seeming to be
able to get any information at all on the players who were part and parcel
of the media's daily business activities.
He had been waiting to see the pictures of the concrete column that the
heavily armored death vehicle had supposedly hit at over a hundred miles per
hour. Nothing.
{In Toledo, or Detroit, or some other 'cable channel' city, a day or so
later, some no-name John Doe was killed after his vehicle struck a concrete
column on a local road structure. There were reporters from a number of
media sources there, getting close-ups of the vehicle, the column, and the
damage to it, the broken scraps of concrete at the accident scene. A Player
To Be Named Later saw it two or three times that day, as the media ensured
that all the circumstances surrounding the death of John Doe would be
subjected to the light of mainstream media 'truth.' He saw pictures from a
variety of different angles, obviously taken in the interest of satisfying
his 'right to know' all of the details surrounding the death of John Doe,
Anywhere, USA.}
"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"
"WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs"
"InfoWar (Part III of 'The True Story of the InterNet')