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NewSpeak: TIS RecoverKey

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Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 21:20:35 -0400
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From: Robert Hettinga <rah@shipwright.com>
Subject: NewSpeak: TIS RecoverKey
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Subject: NewSpeak: TIS RecoverKey


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                                 [Todays News]

 Frontier Technologies and TIS Announce Strategic Alliance to Deliver
 RecoverKey-enabled e-Lock

    Partnership Brings Together Strong Cryptography and User-Controlled Ke y

     MEQUON, Wis., Sept. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Frontier Technologies and Trus ted
 Information Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: TISX), today announced a strategic all
 to integrate Frontier Technologies' e-Lock(TM) security family with TIS'
 RecoverKey(TM) Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP), offering customers a n
 easy-to-use solution for managing strong encryption across Windows(R) 95  and
 Windows NT(R) applications.  This alliance increases opportunities for
 implementing and managing strong encryption worldwide while putting users  in
 control of their own data and privacy.
     The e-Lock products will work seamlessly across the Internet, intrane ts
 and extranets with the RecoverKey CSP so that users can employ the strong est
 levels of cryptography with the means to prevent "locked and lost" data.
 Customers using e-Lock with RecoverKey simply click a button to secure
 documents and/or to recover data that would otherwise be lost due to a
 forgotten password or lost key.
     "RecoverKey gives users the opportunity to enact data saving measures  up
 front when employing the e-Lock solution," said Dr. Prakash Ambegaonkar,
 Frontier Technologies' Chairman & CEO.  "Frontier's expertise coupled wit h
 TIS' innovative technology gives users the strongest levels of assurance  that
 their valuable information is locked up tight while providing an emergenc y
 mechanism for unlocking it if the key becomes lost or destroyed."
     "TIS is pleased to join forces with Frontier Technologies in their
 commitment to meet market demand for applications that support user contr
 key recovery," commented Homayoon Tajalli, TIS Executive Vice President a nd
 General Manager, Cryptographic Products.  "Global e-commerce and communic
 depends on impenetrable transmission and storage of valuable information.
 e-Lock can now bring customers the benefit of robust encryption with a ba ckup
 plan in place for recovering locked data if the original key is inaccessi
     Frontier Technologies' e-Lock security family is a complete,
 standards-based solution for creating, using and managing secure applicat ions
 for intranets and the Internet in both Windows(R) 95 and Windows NT(R)
 environments.  The e-Lock family of products, e-Sign, Secure Messaging
 Toolkit, and e-Lock PKI support digital signatures, encryption and public  key
     Trusted Information Systems' RecoverKey CSP is the first software of  its
 kind to reach a worldwide commercial market, enabling Windows 95 and Wind ows
 NT desktop users to implement powerful cryptography at the click of a but ton.
 Incorporating popular algorithms such as RSA, DES, Triple DES and 128-bit
 RC2/RC4, the RecoverKey CSP will provide the components necessary to encr ypt
 and decrypt information seamlessly across applications.
     RecoverKey CSP trial versions are currently shipping and the RecoverK ey
 CSP-enabled e-Lock product will be available in late fall.  Visit the Fro
  Technologies website at http://www.frontiertech.com for free download of  the
 e-Lock products.
     Frontier Technologies' mission is to pioneer Internet and Intranet
 applications that make individuals more productive and businesses more
 competitive in a global market.
     Trusted Information Systems, Inc., is a leading provider of comprehen sive
 security solutions for protection of computer networks, including global
 Internet-based systems, internal networks, and individual workstations an d
     RecoverKey is a trademark of Trusted Information Systems, Inc.  e-Loc k,
 e-Cert, e-Sign, e-Mail are trademarks of Frontier Technologies Corporatio n.
 All other product and company names may be trademarks of their respective

 SOURCE  Frontier Technologies

 CONTACT: Ann M. Krauss, 520-797-0583, 520-797-0182 (fax),
 Ann@Frontiertech.com or Nicole E. Rogers, 414-241-4555 x293,
 414-241-7084 (fax), NicoleR@Frontiertech.com, both of Frontier
 Technologies, or Shoshana Rosenthal of Trusted Information
 Systems, 301-947-7194, shoshana@tis.com

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Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com), Philodox
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