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Announcing ZDU's Fall Course Catalog!
ZDU Announces Its Biggest Course Catalog Ever. Point your Web
browser to:
ZDNet University is excited to announce the widest selection of
online classes ever. This Fall, choose from over 70 new courses
designed to help beginners become experts--plus a brand new
selection of advanced level courses for experts and professionals
to hone their skills.
You'll also enjoy new features like the how-to guides, the Campus
Pub, special offers, and an updated design. It's now easier than
ever to navigate, browse, enroll, and learn!
Here's just a sample of the latest additions to the Catalog:
* Dynamic HTML
* Internet Advertising
* Implementing Extranets
* Marketing Your Site for Free
* Building Internet Communities
* Security on the Web
* Advanced Photoshop
* Build a Web Application with Oracle Webserver
* Essentials of Microsoft Networking
* Advanced Javascript
* and many more!
Learn more about ZDNet University, the Web's leading source
for high-tech education. Drop by right now to tour the campus
on the Web to learn more about how ZDU works:
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