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Installation Procedures
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Thank you for purchasing InCom's PowerComp Libraries. At InCom,
customer satisfaction is our number one priority, and we hope that you
will be pleased with the power of our libraries. Please follow all of
the instructions in order to enjoy a quick and easy installation.
Getting Started
In this guide, information which you will need to supply will be
enclosed in angle brackets, <like this>. Commands which you will have
to enter will be indented,
like this.
You will need to provide a loading directory, in which to load the
material from tape (/tmp/pcl is recommended), and a permanent
installation directory (/usr/local/pcl is recommended).
Loading From Tape
First create and change directory to the loading directory:
mkdir <working directory>
cd <working directory>
Now you are ready to load the software from tape.
The specific device name needed to load the tape varies with hardware
vendors, and may be found in Appendix A, "Vendors and Device Names".
Load the software from tape:
tar xvf /dev/<device name>
You have now loaded all of the software from tape, and are ready to
compile and install the PowerComp libraries.
Compiling and Installing the PowerComp Libraries
Compiling and installing the libraries is handled by a user-friendly
shell script. You will need to provide some information to the script,
such as your organization name and registration number. To run the
script, type
/bin/sh pcl/pcl.install -d <installation directory>
Follow the script's directions, and provide the information which it
prompts for.
When the script prompts you for the directory in which the distribution
files are located, you will find that you are unable to provide it with
any directory which the script will deem satisfactory. That is because
it is necessary to order the following additional parts which are
necessary to continue with the installation:
Part Number Qty Name Price
GM-96-3026 1 Goat, male 1000.00
CB-13-2395 1 Candle, black 50.00
CG-63-6376 1 Chalk dust container 10.00
IB-89-3335 5 Incense sticks 5.00
DE-44-8846 1 Dagger, ebon, curved 500.00
AS-87-2319 1 Altar, silver 10000.00
Wait until the additional parts arrive; you will be ready to continue
the installation the next Friday the 13th at midnight.
Ritual for Successfully Completing Installation
Stand in front of the computer. Pour out the chalk dust in an inscribed
pentagram around you; be sure that it is without breaks. Set an incense
stick at each of the five corners, the altar in front of the computer,
and the candle in front of the altar.
Light each of the incense sticks and the candles, chanting in a low
Daemons and spirits of the netherworld
Forces of all that is chaotic and mysterious
Essence of Netscape and MicroSoft
I am coming here to appease you
I offer you this goat
That my software may work
I bind you here
Do not make my system crash
Let the software install as advertised
Place the goat on the altar, and slaughter it with the dagger.
May this goat feed you
Sate your lust for blood
Into it may your mischief fly
Not my computer
Make the software work
For this is the only way
Then spit into the computer's ventilation slots. This will complete
different circuits inside the computer, causing its motherboard and
cards to function in ways that the engineers never intended, thereby
making your system compatible with our libraries.
Reboot your computer. The installation is now complete.
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Systems Guides bstaud@sysgu.com
Bill Staudenheimer Vox: 415-917-8170
PO Box 4130 Fax: 415-917-8172
Mountain View, CA 94040-0130 http://www.sysgu.com
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