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Why the White amendment is a good idea (fwd)
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Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 19:06:33 -0600
From: Aaron Weissman <aweissman@mocc.com>
To: "'fight-censorship@vorlon.mit.edu'" <fight-censorship@vorlon.mit.edu>
Subject: Why the White amendment is a good idea
Today, the House Commerce Committee made an
important statement which will have lasting
ramifications on the status of personal privacy
in our nation for the foreseeable future.
I know what you all are thinking -- former White
staffer, praising his old boss. In the interests
of total disclosure, I did work for Rep. White,
and I still think he is an all-around great guy.
However, solely on the merits of this amendment,
I believe that it deserves the support of the
Internet community (whatever *that* is).
The NETCenter is a great idea. Very few of us
would argue that our society has an interest
defining rules and in prosecuting their
transgression as crimes. Once we have agreed on
that point, the issue changes to a (still very
important) discussion on methods. By creating a
decryption lab (and funding it with tremendous
amounts of money), our society will fulfill the
basic obligation to protect against the
transgression of our rules.
However, despite the worst intentions of some,
this laboratory cannot be an indiscriminate tool.
The United States Government may be a the
ultimate example as an organization possessing
"national means," however, it's resources are far
from infinite. In addition, such a lab would
require our very best and brightest
mathematicians. We may be able to afford one of
these labs, but more would be a large stretch.
Once this NETCenter exists, the demands for it's
services will soon outstrip it's resources. In
addition, the massive cost involved per use would
be large enough to attract public scrutiny. I
have no doubt that our government could crack the
very largest keys if it were to through billions
of dollars at the problem. However, in an age of
shrinking budgets and a commitment to a balanced
budget, that much money is not spent without
considerable oversight.
I have no doubt that a considerable portion of
the NETCenter's time will be spent in matters of
foreign intelligence. (As I said, we cannot
afford two massive decryption laboratories -- the
NSA will have to give its decryption mandate to
this new agency). In sum, this amendment gives
us a powerful decryption laboratory with a great
deal of sunshine on its use and limited resources
on behalf of law enforcement.
These factors make the NETCenter a great tool for
targeted decryption, but they also guarantee that
appropriate judicial supervision is acquired
before the NETCenter can be used. In other
words, this is a great tool for prosecutors to
use *after* they have established probable cause
in their most heinous cases, and a strong
guarantee that the eyes of the government will
not intrude into our persons, papers and effects.
The passage of this amendment helps ensure that
the terms of this debate remain centered on our
civil liberties -- not kiddie porn. If we are
going to win this argument (and the stakes are
very large) we have to keep this debate framed
with our criteria.
Many may disagree with me on these points, and I
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