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Re: Concrete examples re why we can't trust the government with
Cf. "FileGate", the frequent prosecution of IRS employees busted selling
American's personal tax information to PIs and other nosy parties, and FL
state(?) health worker caught giving out diskettes of AIDS patient records
at a local bar. There are also cases of DMV giving out contact info that
has resulted in stalkings and murders. Look also for other Ames-alikes.
JEdgar himself was blackmailing.
Greg Broiles typed:
> >From today's San Jose Mercury News' "AP Breaking News" section -
> First, the FBI settled a FOIA suit with a scholar who had sought access to
> the FBI's files re John Lennon - the FBI fought release for 16 years,
> finally agreeing to release all but 10 records and pay the requester's
> $204,000 in accrued attorney's fees. The records released revealed no
> information which suggested that Lennon was involved in, planned to, or
> engaged in an illegal act; he was, however, unpopular with the then-head of
> the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover. Who is Louis Freeh spying on?
> <http://www.sjmercury.com/news/breaking/docs/080798.htm>
> Second, a former NSA employee was sentenced to 18 years in Federal prison
> for selling classified information to the Soviet Union for a mere $27,000.
> How much would he have charged for escrowed key information?
> <http://www.sjmercury.com/news/breaking/docs/072698.htm>
> --
> Greg Broiles | US crypto export control policy in a nutshell:
> gbroiles@netbox.com | Export jobs, not crypto.
> http://www.io.com/~gbroiles | http://www.parrhesia.com
Stanton McCandlish mech@eff.org
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