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FCC Proposes V-Chip Requirements for TV Manufacturers
The FCC yesterday proposed rules that would give television manufacturers
July 1 1998 to put V-Chips in half of new TV sets with monitors 13 inches
or larger,
and in all sets by July 1, 1999. Reed Hundt said that this will
"ensure that V-Chip technology does in fact exist in a relatively short
period of time".
Industry officials protested that the time limit is way too short for
saying they need 18 months - 2 years. Comment period runs until November.
Meanwhile, some of the major TV networks are going to a more detailed
rating system,
Sex/Violence/Language/SuggestiveDialog, with a FantasyViolence category for
kids' shows.
NBC is resisting that.
Bill Stewart, stewarts@ix.netcom.com
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