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Re: Remailer Attack

> One problem with operating a nym is that people almost always respond
> to it with suspicion and hostility, even on this list.  It would be
> nice to have an ordinary looking e-mail address that took in messages,
> encrypted them for your public key, and then sent them out to
> alt.anonymous.messages for pickup.  Going the other way it would be
> nice if the account would accept signed messages and send them out as
> normal e-mail or news articles.  This would allow nyms to participate
> in NetWorld like everyone else.
> Note that this does not require one to trust the operator of the
> machine - all they have is a public key and no information of your
> identity.  This should be easy to set up.

That is what nym servers (denoted as "alpha" and "newnym" in the
remailer lists) do.  See http://anon.efga.org/anon for more