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Re: Remailer latency (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 18:42:45 -0400
> From: Joey Grasty <jgrasty@gate.net>
> Subject: Re: Remailer latency

> At 11:58 PM 9/25/97 +0200, Anonymous wrote:
> >If you operate a remailer, please tell us what you need to make it
> >really work well.  Perhaps the rest of us can help make it happen.
> Sure.  Send me $125 a month for a dedicated line, and I'll insure
> that you get low latencies on winsock.


Some basic issues regarding the physical infrastructure (YMMV):

 -  since the lines are answered by modem and not voice AND they are
    not answered as the business you can use residential lines which
    means a much lower cost of operation.

 -  assuming 1 in-dial and 1 out-dial (needed for maximum throughput
    and minimum latency) you only need long-distance on the dial-out.

 -  the pricing on the move of my 4 POTS broke down thus:

     Line #            Install $         Monthly $     Function

       1                 38.35            16.63        dial-in, no ld
       2                 30.95            16.63        dial-in, no ld
       3                 16.35            16.63        dial-in, no ld
       4                 16.35            30.08        voice w/ ld,
                                                       call notes,
                                                       caller id

 -  the pricing on my other aspects are:

     ISDN                0.00 w/ 2 yr.    80.00       main link to
                         contract                     provider

     Electrcity                           12.00       per machine

     Modem               200.00                       per line

     ISP                 0.00 w/ 2 yr.    400.00      backup DNS,
                         contract                     4-day mail cache,
                                                      admin account,
                                                      usenet server access,
                                                      full C-class,
                                                      backup dial-in,
                                                      their ISDN costs

 -  you should also arrange legal and financial support

Maybe that will give you a Ctl. Texas base-line for estimating what it would
take to do the job. I should have an estimate for T1 pricing and setups in a
couple of weeks, say something and I'll post the current status.

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