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Re: Remailer Attack (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 19:17:11 -0700
> From: Tim May <tcmay@got.net>
> Subject: Re: Remailer Attack (fwd)

> > -  some sort of legal protection and recognition for the remailer
> >    operators
> I believe remailers are strongly protected by the Electronic Communcations
> Privacy Act, which explicitly says that reconveyors or intermediary parties

[deleted description]

> This line of reasoning has not been used in any defense, perhaps because
> there have been no prosecutions of remailers. Whether the courts, including
> The Court, will conclude that the ECPA is protection, is of course unknown
> to me.

But that is the exact point I'm making - it hasn't been tested. Before
anyone with a lick of sense is going to jump into the remailer business
big-time somebody is going to have to put their neck on the block and set
the liability standard.

> > -  some mechanism for them to operate as a business entity with a
> >    clear profit.
> And I mentioned this specifically.

I'll grant you mentioned digital postage. This simply is not robust enough
to handle the world of a commercial remailer operator. We'll just have to
agree to disagree here because the standard digital postage argument simply
doesn't sway me to support it.

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