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Compromising the constitution in style [was] Re: Do not pass Go. Mime-Version: 1.0


on or about 970926:1655 
    A Player To Be Named Later <aptbnl@dev.null> purported to expostulate:


+  Why is it that people who would castigate, slander and lynch a person
+who cheats at golf, are so eager to preach 'compromise' with those who
+want to cheat at 'the Constitution'?

    elementary, Mr. Watson: politicians _must_ pass a law, even a bad
    law (so they can go home and say they were doing their job). in
    America they call it "log rolling".

    with few exceptions, todays politicians are a collection of morally 
    derelict, intellectually bankrupt, ego-aggrandizing inanities.

    power corrupts so vicariously their threadbare cranial vacuities that
    they succomb to the ultimate aphrodesiac: governance; any governance
    will do since the rules do not apply to them. alone they thunder in
    paranoid schizophrenia.

    when the day comes, the tumbrils shall roll to the fantasy of 
    Saint-Saens Organ Symphony (#3) --do not ask for whom the bell 
    tolls, it tolls for thee. (EH) we are closing the 3rd of 5 movements

    and none shall have the loyal lady in Stendahl's 'The Red and the
    Black' to caress their severed heads.


 "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other."     
        --Benjamin Franklin
 "attila" 1024/C20B6905/23 D0 FA 7F 6A 8F 60 66 BC AF AE 56 98 C0 D7 B0 

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be
