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cypherpunks-e@htp.org list explodes! (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 12:27:04 -0700
> From: Bill Stewart <stewarts@ix.netcom.com>
> Subject: cypherpunks-e@htp.org list explodes!

> Well, I tried subscribing to cypherpunks-e@htp.org, the English-language
> relative of cypherpunks-j.  There may have been one or two independent
> postings,
> but almost everything there was just the main cypherpunks list, forwarded
> and with archiving numbers stuck in the Subject: line.
> That wasn't a very good idea; people who want to subscribe to cypherpunks
> should do so directly, but if you do want to build a fourth list address
> for cypherpunks, you can check with Igor Chudov and Lance Cottrell about
> the software
> that makes it work without looping.

First, it was meant as another member of the cpunks distributed list.

Second, I provided them with the necessary anti-loop information.

Third, they were out because SSZ was out. It's a real pitty the other
list operators don't put more effort into ensuring cross connections
since the anti-loop process does seem to work.

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