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Re: Digital Postage (fwd)
- To: cypherpunks@cyberpass.net
- Subject: Re: Digital Postage (fwd)
- From: Anonymous <anon@anon.efga.org>
- Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 19:18:01 -0400
- Comments: This message was remailed by a FREE automatedremailing service. For additional information on this service,send a message with the subject "remailer-help" toremailer@anon.efga.org. The body of the message will bediscarded. To report abuse, contact the operator atadmin@anon.efga.org. Headers below this point wereinserted by the original sender.
- Sender: owner-cypherpunks@Algebra.COM
Jim Choate wrote:
>[Tim May wrote: ed.]
>> Some will remail for some form of digital postage. Some will charge too little, some too much.
>> Some will adjust their prices based on market/customer reactions. And so on.
>And there are a couple of problems with this:
> - it relies on a mechanism not currently in place to interface with
> other more traditional financial institutions. Which I might add
> don't look upon this as the most trustworthy mechanism.
Ecash is in place right now.
> - how do you charge for the postage, per submission? What happens when
> I want to send 10,000 parties the email. Do I still pay the digi-postage
> equivalent of $.35? Or do I pay $350.00?
This is easily worked out between the remailer operator and the
customer. Were I running a remailer, I would charge $350.00. As a
customer, I would not see this as unreasonable.
> What about intermediate remailers and their desire to get a cut
> of the pie?
Each hop should charge, of course. They are all providing the same
>I suspect that anon remailers will operate by something similar to
>ISP's where when the account is setup some fee is paid for use and
>not on a use by use based fee. The problem with that is it creates a
>'concrete' link between the party desiring anonymity and the remailer
>operator that may be exploited in some (most? all?) cases to break
>that anonymity.
The way to break the concrete link is with blinded credentials. Of
course, ecash already provides this feature without the hassle of
opening an account with a remailer operator, writing and deploying new
software, etc. etc.
Monty Cantsin
Editor in Chief
Smile Magazine
Version: 2.6.2