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Re: write up AP for FC++

At 06:49 PM 9/27/97 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:
>Tim May wrote:
>>>I'm now mildly amused that Bell is being seen as the inventor of anonymous
>>>and untraceable murder markets, with clueless journalists seeking
>>>information on his discovery. But, hey, better he rot in jail than me.
>At 04:27 PM 8/18/97 -0700, Blanc wrote:
>> A presentation from you at FC98 would remind everyone of your own initial
>> writings on the subject and provide you with due credit (better credit than
>> a jail/rotting sentence).   I can't think of anyone else who would be more
>> qualified for this.
>Freedom of speech is protected by nothing stronger than the cluelessness
>of our masters.
>If you publish your idea in appropriate forums, you can get away with it.
>If you go from forum to forum singing your idea like a broken record, 
>and flogging it like soap, you will probably go to jail.
>I see no point in explaining our ideas so thoroughly and repeatedly
>that even cops and politicians start to understand them.

Try to keep in mind that Bell went to jail for crimes only semi-related to
his AP ranting.

The AP ranting is just the way he managed to attract attention.

Moral:  If you're going to rant about AP you better be squeeky clean first.