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Re: [CFP98] "How to Choke the Net"

Dave Del Torto <ddt@pgp.com> writes:
> Cypherpunks,
> The CFP98 program committee is considering a panel (or possibly a
> pre-conference tutorial) for next year entitled something like "How to
> Choke the Net." (The provocative title is NOT intended to espouse the
> practice of net-choking NOR to provide hands-on techniques.)
> [...]
> Discussion topics may include host authentication, denial-of-service
> attacks, DNS, IPSEC, routing issues and SYN-flooding, etc. 

Better keep you-know-who away from that conference, or he'll be
calling for all and sundry to be locked up for discussing something
which might result in his system going down :-)

Now officially an EAR violation...
Have *you* violated EAR today? --> http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/

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