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Mass E-Mailers Beware!
Bulk E-Mail Is Here To Stay, If You Do It The Right Way!
If you have a business, or thinking about starting one, you
shouldn�t be without NetTunnel 1.0. It�s an awesome extractor and
explosive bulk e-mailer in one. It�s the most affordable,
easiest and user friendly software program on the market. Hands down!
Why wait for someone to knock on your door when you can knock on
theirs. There�s NO better way to get your product or service before
millions of eager buyers, instantly.
Here�s what you need to bulk e-mail, the right way...
Tool box includes:
*NetTunnel! A powerful extractor and bulk e-mailer...$197.00
*25 million "Hot", deliverable e-mail addresses on disk...$187.00
*All the tips & tricks of bulk e-mailing...$25.00
*Unlimited, old fashion tech support...$95.00
Total cost is $504.00. If you order before October 2, 1997,
all of the above is yours for only $347.00. That�s correct!!! Only
$347.00. If you order within the next 48 hours we�ll deduct an
additional $50.00. Your complete bulk e-mail tool kit is yours
for only $297.00. That�s if you order within the next 48 hours.
Only $297.00.
If you can find a better bulk e-mail bargain anywhere on the Internet,
we�ll give you every product and service we offer for free. We mean it!
If you don�t have time to do your own mass mailing, we can
do it for you. Call TODAY for a price quote: 770.977.5363
Please fill out form below and send check, cashiers check, money order
or credit card information, to:
2100 Roswell Rd.
Ste. 200-C
Marietta, GA 30062
Form (print clearly):
City____________________________________ State______________
Zip Code____________________ Country_______________________
Telephone Number(s)_________________________________________
E-mail Address______________________________________________
Check one:
Check ( ) Cashiers Check ( ) Money Order ( )
Master Card ( ) Visa ( ) American Express ( )
Account Number ---------------____________________________________________
Expiration Date ______/_______
For next day U.S delivery, please include an additional $15.00.
For all other orders, please allow seven (7) days for delivery.
For more information:
Call: 770.977.5363
or E-mail: nettunnel@mailexcite.com
We are in the process of developing the following:
*A submission wizard by mid November. It will submit your
Web site to all search engines with the push of a button.
*NetTunnel 2.0 by late October. If you like 1.0, you�re going to
love 2.0. We won�t have any competition when 2.0 is released!!!
*And other awesome tools to carry your business into the next
Our goal is to give you every tool you need to be the "David"
over your competition, and become the next Nike of online
marketing and promoting. We plan on "Just Doing It".
PS Allow us to become your online coach and life-long business
partner. Remember, your investment is only $297.00
if you order within the next 48 hours.
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From: MyFriends@aol.com Fri, Sep 28 12:55:40 1997
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Subject: Mass E-Mailers Beware!!
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