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Do you suffer from unsightly BLEMISHES, ACNE or ZITS, yech.  Or do you know
someone that suffers?  If yes, then you or your friends should try what I used
when I was in High School.  It really worked for me.  My friends and I had acne
but my mom made up this great Acne Remover and they were gone the next day.
WOW I thought and so did my friends who wanted it too.  They also wanted to
know how to make it, but I just gave them a bottle of Acne Remover and they
were happy.  So were the girls that we all dated.  The pimples usually went away
the next day, just in time for a date that weekend.  I couldn't believe my eyes or
should I say my face.  I held onto that recipe for years, thinking that someday
I'll manufacture it and sell it, but I never did.  Now you too can make it yourself.
Imagine not having to pay hundreds of dollars to the drug store for expensive
products when you can make a better product yourself right at home!  That's
what we did and it worked great for me.

OK, what's the cost?  A mere $19.95 for my fellow sufferers.  I could have
charged more for this, but I thought, help others like I was helped out by
my family.  Send $19.95 plus $1.00 for shipping and handling for a total of
$20.95 right away to:

Internet Marketing
22704 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 200
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Include your email address and if you are in California, please add $1.51 for a total
of $22.46.

It worked so great for me that it's called "CLEAR UP."  Remember, once you have
the recipe for CLEAR UP, you can make it yourself forever!!!

Send for CLEAR UP right away and stop suffering.  You'll be happy you did.