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   E-mail From Washington
   From: John King/CNN White House correspondent
   In: Philadelphia, Pa.
   Posted 10-8-97
   Subject: Clinton to propose IRS citizens panel on Friday
   After weeks of Republican criticism that he was defending the Internal
   Revenue Service, sources tell CNN that President Bill Clinton on
   Friday will propose creating national and regional citizens boards to
   handle taxpayer complaints against the agency.
   Clinton's citizens panels would not have as much authority over the
   IRS as most Republicans prefer. But the White House believes the
   proposal will give the president cover.
   Under the Clinton plan, a national citizens panel would be created to
   serve as a forum for oversight and to handle taxpayer complaints.
   Similar panels would be created to serve as complaint clearinghouses
   for each of the IRS' three dozen regional offices.
   An administration official tells CNN that Clinton will also commit to
   internal IRS reforms designed to make the agency more efficient.
   The administration move comes after sharp complaints from
   congressional Democrats and White House political advisers who worried
   that the administration appeared to be defending the agency during
   Republican-called hearings that highlighted taxpayer complaints.
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