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Re: effective GACK fighting
Vlad the Mad wrote:
>hence, I think we need to rely more on the courtroom-- it's
>the only "language" that bureacrats understand. extremely
>expensive, but more effective. it forces us to put our money
>where our mouths are. "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance"
>and a lot of cash as well. the PRZ case proves the public
>can support such a campaign. also tactics
>as used by Softwar such as the FOIA attack approach.
I'm agreeing with Vlad (euwwwww), mainly because I've had the same idea for
a long time, about the effect of winning intellectual battles in a
courtroom. This is a prime location for the airing-out of ideas,
clarification of concepts, and making decisive conclusions about what is/is
not the right way for governming bodies to behave, to do, to treat
citizens, in relation to the original ideal (and could that ideal be
clarified even further, for those who still don't get it?). It would
require some 'real' libertarian lawyers of the kind cpunks could support.
But wouldn't it be grand to watch as they decimated the opposition, as they
reminded everyone of the raison d'etre for this exceptional nation, and as
they 'put it to' a jury, in black & white, just what the deal is in a free
Shoot, we don't need another President - just a good lawyer.
Just imagine!
Dream on!