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Why porn must be stopped at all costs, by Jodi Hoffman
[Wow. First time I've ever been personally accused of being "a major
reason for the downward spiral of society." --Declan]
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Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 11:53:27 -0500
From: Jodi Hoffman <jlhoffm@ibm.net>
To: fight-censorship@vorlon.mit.edu
Subject: Why porn must be stopped at all costs.....
I've forgotten how long I've been on this email list. Maybe too long.
Try as I might, I cannot forget standing on the steps of the Supreme
Court building with my husband and 10 year old daughter in the freezing
drizzle. I really thought we could make a difference, standing there
with our banner and signs, one of which read, "DON'T SACRIFICE MY CHILD
ON THE ALTAR OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT." Stupid me. As the saying
goes...we've come a long way, baby.
As I wander back through all the posts on this list, it finally dawns on
me what this is all about, this 'fight censorship' rhetoric. It's
nothing more and nothing less than a lot of egotistical, self-serving
brats who absolutely refuse to grow up, including you, Declan. Don't
you realize that YOU are a major reason for the downward spiral of
society? Instead of trying to protect children, you want to empower
them. Even a moron knows that when you do so, that power has to be
taken from someone. Unfortunately, that someone is the parent. I have
to ask myself just how many on this list have children. Not many, I
would say.
Someone on this list, I forget who, has made numerous attempts at
convincing us that pornography 'does no harm' to children. It is
exactly at this point that I must draw a line. Studies have shown that
an event which lasts even so much as three-tenths of a second, within
five to ten minutes has produced a structural change in the brain.
Exposure to porn causes actual brain damage, especially in a child.
So, keep protecting your porn-induced orgasms. That's exactly what
happened with the Hitler youth, etc... After all, I'm sure it does help
to blur the lines of reality.
Please PRINT THIS OUT and save for later reference. Rules number 1
through 7 have already been put into effect. Rule number 8 is currently
being implemented. Numbers 9 and 10 are already in the beginning
phases. If you're not yet convinced that you are contributing to the
ruination of America, I would hope you will be by the time you finish
reading this.
Paul and Jodi Hoffman
Weston, Florida
"When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side", I
calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already..." --Adolph Hitler,
speaking about the schools and their indoctrination of the Hilterjugend
(Hitler Youth Corps).
These 'Rules' are meant to be a loose parody of the Ten Commandments,
and are particularly emphasized at the Lenin School of Political
Warfare. They are practical rules that are being implemented all over
the world -- with special emphasis on the strongest foe of Communism,
the United States.
Study these Rules very carefully. And then reflect upon what is
happening in our society right now. Perhaps this list will provide
answers to some of the questions that seemed --until now -- to have no
Lenin himself said that it didn't matter that three-fourths of the world
be destroyed, just so the remnant were good Communists.
The future of any nation lies with its youth. So corrupt them; since
religion teaches moral virtue, erode the churches and divert the young
from religion. Make them interested only in themselves. Get them
involved in drugs, alcohol, and sex. Get them addicted to privileges and
Many of today's youth are grossly overprivileged, committed to fashion,
physically flabby and lazy, and mentally undisciplined. If they don't
want to do something, they simply will not do it. And if they want to do
something to indulge themselves, no law or moral standard will hold them
back. They feel that they are entitled to the 'good things in life,'
not as a reward for hard work, but as an expected gift, to be received
without effort and even without asking. And where do they learn such
slovenliness? Just spend two hours in front of a television watching a
random selection of situation comedies to find out. Unfortunately, kids
who fit the above description usually model themselves after their
parents. Such parasitic habits would not be tolerated in the former
Soviet Union.
The prevailing attitude among today's pampered American youth is one of
nihilism ( I am nothing, life has no meaning, I don't care) -- and for
good reason. Over 75 percent of America's high school boys now think
it's acceptable to rape a girl at any age. Wonder why anymore?
Since the media shapes the minds of the people, infiltrate it and
control it. Dominate television, radio, and the newspapers, and you
control the minds of the people.
It is quite obvious that traditional values are considered ridiculous to
all branches of the media. Christians, clergy, and even Christ Himself
are held up as objects of scorn and mocking laughter by television,
motion pictures, radio, artists, and songwriters. In the place of
decency and morality, a constant stream of Left-wing values is
Homosexuality, abortion, violence, and contempt for all parental and
governmental authority is the prevailing order of the day. A
particularly powerful form of media is represented by the so-called
"arts community." Some latter-day "artists" actually make a
pretty good living by mocking traditional values and Christianity.
Consider Andres Sorrano's "Piss Christ" (a photograph of a crucifix
submerged in urine) or Robert Mapplethorp's photos, which include one
showing a bullwhip protruding out of his rear end.
This media bias is not a fantasy of a few right-wing whiners; this is
cold, hard reality.
The extreme leftward tilt of the media has been documented by impartial
observers and study managers, and has even been acknowledged by the
press itself.
Cause the people to become disinterested in their own government and in
world affairs. Get them to feel disenfranchised. Get them to ridicule
and lose respect for government leaders.
Americans now vote at a lower rate than at any other time in our
history. Every American knows how disenfranchised and powerless the
average voter feels. The media constantly trumpet instances of
hypocrisy and corruption in our government, despite the fact that we
have the most open and honest political system in the world. The
United States Supreme Court has wrested much of the State's power from
them with judicial activism. This means that the people's
representatives at the State level -- and therefore the people
themselves -- have much less of a voice in their own government.
On the state level, when people or local legislators finally manage to
pass a conservative law regarding abortion, pornography or
homosexuality, it is invariably challenged by Neo-liberal groups and
struck down by higher courts, leading voters to ask themselves
"Why bother participating in the process? We have no real voice in how
things are run anyway!"
Divide the people into hostile groups. Divide them against themselves by
getting them to squabble about inconsequential social issues.
Never before have so many trivial issues captured so much air time.
Major construction and other projects are halted due to sometimes
trivial environmental concerns. Critical research which uses animals is
halted or impeded by animal-rights groups. Sodomy rights, old- growth
timber, anti-fur, and dozens of other Neoliberal causes (and the
conservative backlash) cause more friction among our nation's people
than in any other nation in the world.
Meanwhile, the real issues of importance are either entirely neglected
or paid weak lip service: Crime, poverty, hunger and, beneath all of
them, the moral disintegration of our country. All of these have lead
to despair among those affected and encourage violent change at any
cost, with no thought given to the kind of change being fought for.
Naturally, when conservatives react to Neoliberal initiatives with
concrete action, they are painted as agents of "divisiveness" and
"disunity," further leading to the impression that American society is
composed entirely of squabbling special-interest groups.
Always preach true democracy, but seize power as completely and
ruthlessly as possible. Vigorously censor viewpoints that conflict with
If the slightest complaint against pornography in our schools is raised
by concerned parents, People for the American Way (PAW), the ACLU, and
other left-wing groups instantly shout "censorship!" But they say not
a word when it is pointed out that the Bible and all mention of morality
in textbooks have been ruthlessly hounded from the schools.
Religion has literally disappeared from our children's textbooks. The
media relentlessly suppress the reasoning behind conservative and
traditional viewpoints while reporting their version of the facts and
claiming "impartiality."
Artists' demand that the people pay for their atrocities. When the
people balk, the 'artists' whine about censorship. All traditional
groups and viewpoints are fair game for ridicule; yet when was the last
time you saw any 'artist' making fun of sodomites or women?
In other words, the censorship is all one-way. And the "pluralism"
valued so much by the Neoliberals is entirely unilateral (one way only).
Communist atrocities which have killed more than 150 million all over
the world are glossed over or ignored, but the most trivial
international action by the United States brings immediate and forceful
Encourage government extravagance on every front.
Get the government deeply into debt. Get the people dependent on
government by providing for their every need. This destroys their
independence, motivation and strength.
The United States is flat broke. It is the number one debtor nation on
earth, with a deficit of more than $5,000,000,000,000 (five trillion
dollars). Social programs pay for everything from abortion and
homosexual-run "sensitivity training sessions" to comprehensive sex
We are the most truly Socialistic society on earth, a nation
of people addicted to entitlements, unable to break away from the ample
government teat, people who scream at the top of our lungs if any
cutbacks in services are proposed.
And yet, the Neoliberals want to spend even more.
They want us to fund family benefits for sodomites, a comprehensive
health care plan that will inevitably turn into a Britain-like
socialized horror, and "art" that is blatantly obscene.
Cause a breakdown of indigenous national values. Destroy all tradition
in preparation for the bright dawn of glorious Socialism. Ridicule
religion, patriotism, and honesty. The people must be led to have only
one interest: Themselves!
>From the public schools to the pulpits of Christian "churches," moralrelativism and situational ethics are the rule of the day. The
goods are compassion, nonjudgmentalism, and tolerance.
Any individual weakness is treated as a problem of society, not of the
person, and this relieves everyone of the responsibility of improving
Why should there be any effort to take responsibility for one's own
faults when "society" is so conveniently ready to take the blame for all
one's sins? Society has made the sacrifice. So criminals, addicts,
alcoholics, child molesters, wife beaters, and others can always blame
their problems on society.
We have truly become the "me generation."
Control or register all firearms if possible. This will make their
confiscation much easier when the time comes for revolution.
When the Communist Revolution occurs in the United States, the last
thing the Red Armies want to face is ten million determined and
well-trained guerrillas (gun owners) taking potshots at them from around
every corner.
The Communists don't want the equivalent of ten Afghanistans in the
United States.
Although the objective of inhibiting gun ownership has not yet been
completely met, there are dozens of bills and initiatives being
submitted all over the country for compulsory gun registration,
permitting, and other controls. The Second Amendment is
disregarded entirely as Neoliberals trumpet for all guns to be totally
After all, they say, thousands die from gun-related accidents and crimes
every year. They fail to see that criminals will always get guns, a
parallel to their own argument stating that, if abortion becomes
illegal, women will still get abortions.
Destroy the reputation of the armed forces.
Cause the young men to perceive military duty as distasteful and
ridiculous. Fight registration of any kind, and encourage defections
within the ranks.
Cause the people to desire peace at any cost. Cause them to oppose any
and all of their government's actions regarding the strengthening or use
of their armed forces.
Our country's armed forces consume a vast percentage of our gross
national product.
We possess the best and most advanced weapons systems in the world. But
our armed forces are a joke for two reasons:
(1) they are completely restrained in their actions by a hostile
Congress, and
(2) the armed forces have been saddled with such a bad reputation that
it is virtually impossible to fill the ranks with volunteers, even in
the new and streamlined armed services.
Where serving in the armed forces was once considered patriotic and
honorable (as it was in the former Soviet Union), it is now looked upon
as foolish and 'anti-progressive.'
Servicemen are ridiculed and denigrated at every turn. People say that,
if you can't make it on the outside, you wind up in the armed forces.
Every serviceman is considered to be a useless gobbler of tax money.
The 'Rules for Revolution' described here are the most important actions
that can be taken to weaken a country in order to prepare it for armed
attack or a skillful coup d'etat. These rules are summaries that are
extracted from a number of books written by professional revolutionaries
from the former Soviet Union, from other Communist-dominated countries,
and from the United States itself.
They are most concisely summarized in the 2,225 page, three-volume set
Lenin: Selected Works , distributed in English by Progress Publishers,
21, Zubovsky Boulevard, Moscow.
These general principles, dedicated to one of the most famous
revolutionaries of all time, Vladimir Lenin, are studied by every
Communist political scientist, and by every ambassador or emissary of
any type who leaves the former Soviet Union. They are also studied in
great detail by many Americans.
Jodi Hoffman R.A.M.P. http://www.gocin.com/ramp
Victimization of Children/Research & Education Council of America
1304 SW 160th Avenue, Suite 122 Weston, Florida 33326
Phone: (954) 349-0366 Fax: (954) 349-0361