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Higher Horses / Re: Why porn must be stopped at all costs, by Jodi Hoffman

Wannabe Smart, in a searching for the right caliber of logic, wrote: 
> Dear Jodi-
> So occasionally I like to turn these arguments around in my head:

  Why bother, when there are so many people already willing to do
it for you?

> What if I wanted to protect
> my children from the evils of Christianity?  Could I
> ban that from the internet with the same sort of
> high horse the anti-porn people seem to be riding?

  That's it! The answer is 'Higher Horses'!!!

> The other bits in her letter (The bible being thrown out
> of public schools for example) were just plain lies.

  Beware of Christians bearing facts...
> It's sad that when most of America has to chose between
> its essential freedoms and the most trivial of
> protection from objectionable thought, that we chose
> to lose the freedoms.

  Is that 'regular' choice, 'voluntary-mandatory' choice, or
a new type of choice which is currently being developed in
secret underground labs by reptilian Nazis?

  Higher 'Trojan' Horses...yeah!...
