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Re: DEA trying to subpoena book dealers

> >Tim May wrote:
> Well, now that wouldn't be very smart of me, would it, to tell the world
> where my defensive measures are? (I'm willing to let would-be ninjas know

	Security thru Obscurity Mr. May? Tsk. Tsk.

> >to perform all these self-defense actions naked, which would obviously
> >happen during these night raids and robberies.
> >
> >Is that a problem, and if yes, what are the solutions?

	Get used to running around naked. Your testes are the least of your
concern at that point, and unless you are well outside the normal range, they
shouldn't cause much of a problem (side question...from a evolutionary 
standpoint, given a lack of clothing would "over-endowment" tend to be a 
non-survival trait, or do we not want to go there?).
> The usual advice is to secure one's bedroom for immediate invasion. (My
> bedroom is on the second floor, too.) This helps with burglars as well as
> with ninjas. For example, lock the bedroom door. This will slow down
> attackers, who first have to gain access to the main house, then have to
> get in the bedroom. The noise from the first step should provide valuable

	Ladders. I'd bet that any trained "ninja" could get a ladder up 
against the side of a house quietly enough to prevent those inside from waking
and be in thru the window before you could get the gun out from under the 

> seconds of awakening, grabbing a gun, etc. I don't think a locked bedroom
> door will stop an entry team from getting inside in a matter of seconds,
> but every second helps.

	Unless you are using exterior doors, I wouldn't count on more than
1/2 second. 

> (Experts also advise that homeowners facing such assaults "stay put,"
> unless, of course, they have to defend other family members in other rooms.)

	How many people have been thru enough of these to be considered 
experts? Seriously? When the law breaks in, you don't have _time_ to leave. 
Those people train to move fast.