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Re: SynCrypt: the new PGP?
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An entity claiming to be Anonymous wrote:
: You mean Microsoft. It's foolish to reject encryption software because
: it runs on the OS used by 90% of its customers.
If the software is only available for Windoze, I think it's safe to say
that 100% of it's users use Windoze. Nonetheless, open standards are
a very good thing indeed. This message having reached you is proof of it.
: > No source no security.
: You don't trust Schneier? You've seen the limitations of source code
: release. Experts like Schneier and his team designing the crypto is
: worth more than a bunch of know nothings scratching their heads and
: wondering where to begin with 1000+ pages of source code.
If the source were available, there would be no need to trust Schneier.
I trust his expertise, but have no basis (or inclination) to make guesses
about his character. No matter how many people refer to Applied Crypto as
"a Bible", it's not the kind of book that encourages blind faith.
- --
[] Mark Rogaski "That which does not kill me
[] wendigo@pobox.com only makes me stranger."
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