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Re: Jodi Hoffman: Homophobe!!!!!!!!

Colin A. Reed wrote:
> I found the part about aids more obscene.  Most new cases are among
> promiscuous heterosexuals.  Of course if you are truly abstinent or
> monogamous you don't have to worry, as all blood (in the US at least) is
> now heavily tested and has been ever since HIV was found.  Looks like Mrs.
> Hoffman should take a sex ed class so that she will be able to tell her
> children the truth instead of made up fantasies.

At the risk of sounding like a Bible-basher, I have to admit that
I used to regard an inordinate number of Christians as ignorant,
until I found out that many of them are quite simply being very
deceptive about their nonsensical, party-platform claims.
To tell the truth, I respected them more when I thought they
were just ignorant.

Most of the prosetylizing that I have been subjected to consists of
vague, unsubtantiated claims, followed by prophetic pronouncements
of 'the way things are', backed up by quoting the same prophetic
pronouncements to 'prove' this or that point.

Let me state that I think there are a great many 'good' Christians
in the world. i.e. - the ones that leave me the fuck alone!