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Re: Senate Commerce cmte approves tax freedom bill 14-5

On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> >The full Senate Commerce Committee voted today 14-5 to approve an amended
> >version of the Internet Tax Freedom Act.  Here's how members voted:
> >
> >14 Yes: McCain, Stevens, Burns, Snowe, Ashcroft, Frist, Abraham, Brownback,
> >Hollings, Inouye, Rockefeller, Kerry, Breaux, Wyden
> >5 No: Gorton, Hutchinson, Ford, Bryan, Dorgan
> >1 Did not vote: Lott

Hmmmm.  With a yes vote from the above mentioned parties I wonder
what the possible implications are.  Specifically McCain, Inouye and

Ashcroft has been pro internet for years so I'm not concerned.

Is there anything in the ITFA that assigns specific powers that
didn't exist before?  Like a Federal Tax on Internet Access?



Jim Burnes
Security Software Engineer, SSDS Inc.
Denver, CO
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