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Re: Smartcards - Drivers Licenses in New Jersey


Um.... I think you are over stating things "just a little"...

The URL you referenced says:

	"State policy makers and officials are CONSIDERING [emphasis
	added] innovative plans to develop a smart driver's
	license. IF IMPLEMENTED,[emphasis added] New Jersey would be
	the first state in the nation to require drivers to carry the
	new "smart card," which will look more like a credit card... "
	<other stuff about contents of the smartcard not included>

There are plenty of things in the world of information privacy to get
hysterical about; but please lets not proclaim them realities before
they actually are...

Having said that... if you live in the Garden State, get on the phone
to your state legislators and express your concerns on this troubling
idea and how it may be used before is DOES become something to scream


David HM Spector                                         spector@zeitgeist.com
Network Design & Infrastructure Security                 voice: +1 212.579.8573
Amateur Radio: W2DHM (ex-N2BCA) (ARRL life member)       GridSquare: FN30AS
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"New and stirring things are belittled because if they are not belittled, 
the humiliating question arises, 'Why then are you not taking part in them?'"
                                                        --H. G. Wells