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Re: Taxing Churches for their views? Bad idea.

At 8:26 PM -0800 11/4/97, Tim May wrote:
>This is why "campaign spending limits" are thought by many constitutional
>scholars and all libertarians to be unconstitutional. If Bill Gates wants
>to spend his money talking about how great gun control is, no one can stop

You might be able to define campaign spending limits in terms of
qualifications for the job.  (I think it would take a constitutional
amendment for federal office holders).  Then you might see the amusing
sight of, e.g. the anti-Clinton people spending heavily on pro-Clinton TV
spots to force Clinton to be disqualified from the job.

Another way which should appeal to the property owner's rights crowd would
be to say that since the 1034 Communications Act says that the airways
belong to the people (i.e. the government), they may not be used for
political advertising more than 6 weeks before an election.  The spread of
private systems such as cable will frustrate this direction.

Please note, I don't advocate either of these "solutions".  I am just
amused to think about them.

Bill Frantz       | Internal surveillance      | Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506     | helped make the USSR the   | 16345 Englewood Ave.
frantz@netcom.com | nation it is today.        | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA