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CNN's "Ian Goddard Plot"
From: Ian Goddard <igoddard@netkonnect.net>
Subject: CNN's "Ian Goddard Plot"
( free to forward & copy nonprofit with attribute )
(c) 1997 Ian Williams Goddard
I've tried to decisively extricate myself from my TWA 800 inquiry, but it
seems that CNN and the gov't don't want me to go. CNN is spreading gross
misinformation on television, indicating that I said my inquiry into TWA
800 was part of a "sham" and a "plot." That is FALSE!! I've always
promoted what I believe, and now I believe promoting the Navy-missile
theory was a big mistake! I believe that the evidence is not sufficient to
blame the Navy and I wish to move away from that and all areas of
conspiracy inquiry forever. But I never said my inquiries were a "plot" or
a "sham."
Christine Negroni with CNN contacted me a few days ago to ask about my
change of direction, I did not contact her. CNN reports now suggest that I
said my conspiracy inquiry was part of a "plot" (a secret scheme) to do
damage to the government's reputation. That's 100% FALSE !!
My only crime is honesty. I'm honest enough to admit, as I have for months,
that my inquiry into TWA 800 was an effort to identify untruth in the
government. I have a fact-based bias against government, I'm a libertarian.
My webpage was entitled "Anti-Authoritarian Journal," identifying my bias
up front, unlike most sources.
Such up-front honesty is NOT a "plot," as CNN attempts to portray it. The
fact is that anything that is labeled what it is up front is by definition
NOT a plot. I'd say CNN has a bias for the gov't line, however, does CNN
label its journalism "Authoritarian Journalism?" No.
I did not invent nor am I to blame for the fact that 150+ witnesses
reported having seen something fly upwards and explode at the spot TWA 800
was. That there were such wit- nesses, up to 154, has been widely reported
in the media.
CNN just reported in reference to me:
Joe Lychner of Houston, who lost his wife and two daughters in the crash,
told CNN that Goddard and Salinger owe an explana- tion to the American
The basis of the missile theory are the witnesses, and I did not invent the
witnesses. If anyone owes America an explanation for the missile theory I
think it's the wit- nesses, not me. All I did was report what they said and
commit the error of theorizing that maybe that fiery thing shooting up was
a Navy missile and the Navy is covering it up. I also did not invent the
Navy-missile theory. My explanation for that theory is that the Navy is
known to have many missiles and is known to be off- shore where the plane
crashed. However, an inventory showed that all Navy missiles were accounted
OK fine, I'm ready to move on, but it seems they aren't:
National Transportation and Safety Board spokesman Peter Goelz told CNN
that my re-reporting of witness accounts and theorizing that the Navy was
at fault has done "real damage" and "caused innumerable people great
agony." Wow! It seems I'm a human monster of immense proportions.
I am sorry for that, yet it would seem that the fault lies in part and
primarily with the major media for ever having reported the witness
accounts in the first place. I then made the mistake of suggesting that the
Navy may have been at fault and is covering it up, which I now see as a
mistake, for I could be wrong and if I'm wrong I've impugned the
reputations of America's finest, which is something I should not and do not
now want to do, and for which having done in the past, I am very sorry.
I don't know what happened to TWA 800, and at this point I don't care! I
just want to be left alone and no longer harassed by the major media and
others over the TWA 800 case. I'm sorry I thought the Navy did it. It was a
mistaken thought. I'm sorry my thoughts have "caused innumerable people
great agony." I'm a humani- tarian and have been a vegetarian for 19 years
because I want NOT to cause suffering to any living being.
I've never published anything I thought was false. I even published errata
notices when required. All claims I've made were meticulously referenced so
that readers could check up on what I said for themselves. Providing not
just referenced information and ideas but all the links necessary to access
the larger body of information about the case is what made my reports so
popular and what made this little guy the focus of world news.
My plan has been to end my "war on the Establishment." Wanting to move on
from conspiracy theory and set a new course, I asked Doctor David Stern,
who hosts the DEEP TIMES webpage, to remove my conspiracy reports. However,
due to CNN's misleading charges that I've admitted to having been engaged
in a "plot" and thus that I will- fully attempted to mislead people to
believe what I knew to be false, I have requested that David Stern
temporarily replace all my reports so that people can judge for themselves
if I was the liar CNN suggests.
It will take David some time to get the reports back up, but when they are
up you can access them directly at: http://www.copi.com/articles/Goddard or
indirectly at: http://www.copi.com/articles/. Please check the first site
within the next few days.
Ian Goddard, now at <igoddard@netkonnect.net>
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