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Re: BXA mtg in DC, 12/9/97

At 14:19 -0500 11/7/97, Marc Horowitz wrote:
>This happens to be during IETF, which happens to be in DC, which means
>a large number of prominent cryptographers and implementors from all
>over the world will be in town.  Is it worth showing up?  Maybe the
>BXA can ask them how they manage to get the stuff from the US even
>though it's export controlled :-)

I'm planning to be there. I'm also going to be at IETF. Any recommendations
on which wg/sessions to attend?

>>> [Closed session]
>>> 9.	Discussion of matters properly classified under Executive Order 19958,
>>> dealing with U.S. export control program and strategic criteria related
>>> thereto.
>How closed?

Pretty closed. Unless someone pursues Lucky's recommendation.
