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Re: WARNING: Serious Pentium Bug


In <199711091855.TAA23477@basement.replay.com>, on 11/09/97 
   at 07:55 PM, Anonymous <nobody@replay.com> said:

>>Anonymous <anon@anon.efga.org> wrote:
>>>There is a SERIOUS bug in all pentium CPUs. The following
>>>code will crash any machine running on a pentium CPU, MMX or no
>>>MMX, any speed, regardless of OS (crash as in instant seize, hard
>>>reboot the only cure):
>>>char x [5] = { 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xc7, 0xc8 };
>>>main ()
>>>       void (*f)() = x;
>>>       f();
>>>This require no special permissions to run, it works fine with
>>>average-joe-userspace permissions. I have verified this, it works.
>>>Demand a new CPU from Intel.
>>This didn't crash my Pentium.  Hoax?

>Absolutely not. It crashed mine and is a major bug. It doesn't seem to
>affect the PPro, though, and not the P2 due to its relation to the PPro.
>It might be fixed in later Pentiums, which begs the question of why Intel
>didn't issue a recall back then. Supposidly they were informed about it
>months ago.

For the same reason Intel does nothing about any of thier bugs: they are
assholes. The only way any of these type of things are ever addressed is
by enough users putting pressure on Intel to fix their fuckups. (Really
slopy not testing the microcode)

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