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Re: WARNING: Serious Pentium Bug

At 7:09 AM -0800 11/11/97, Ray Arachelian wrote:
>On Sat, 8 Nov 1997, [iso-latin-de] Heinz-J�rgen Keller wrote:
>> The german Chaos Computer Club distributes a Dos/Win binary (f00fc7c8.com,
>> 5 Bytes :-) ) and a linux version.
>> Have a look at http://www.ccc.de .
>So has anyone yet developed an ActiveX component of this? :) Heheheh...
>come to my site and watch your pentium crash. Heheheheheh!

I saw an announcement of an Internet Explorer V4 bug where URLs longer than
256 bytes could cause the browser to execute arbitrary machine code.....

Bill Frantz       | Internal surveillance      | Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506     | helped make the USSR the   | 16345 Englewood Ave.
frantz@netcom.com | nation it is today.        | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA