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nospam-seesignature@ceddec.com writes:

> I believe in separation of church and state.  The state must get out of
> things like education and welfare (charity) and other things that are not
> their responsibility.
> The mistake was when the courts ruled that prayer could not occur in
> public (government) schools.  The very next day, every government school
> should have been closed down (this would also have shown the court that it
> should be careful with its rulings).  And society would not have
> experienced as much decay as it has. 

Amen!  I remember when as a young teacher I used to lead my third grade
class in our daily devotional to Ba'al and Ishtar.  It got everyone off 
to a good start and kept us grounded in proper moral values throughout 
the school day.  (Of course every year there was some small group of 
malcontent parents pissing and moaning about this and wanting me to lead 
the class in Christian prayers!  Can you imagine?)

Society just hasn't been the same since.  Everything's going to hell
in a hand basket.
