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Re: Br'er Tim and the Bug Hole


on or about 971111:1833, in <[email protected]>, 
    John Young <[email protected]> was purported to have 
    expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:

>Dumb of me to get in the middle of this, but the bloodlust's

    the beast, John, remember the beast...

>Tim's statements are gutsy and right: there's no gain
>in self-censoring, shading one's anger to appease
>the goons of whatever firepower. (Bob, go to end.)

    yes, Bob, go to end, before I inflame you even more.
    that goes for the candy-ass left-wing Hallam-Baker, too.

>Most massive firepower can't focus on or hit exclusively
>small targets, that's what's a lie about "surgical" strikes. 
>Waste the countryside, yes, hit one rabbit and not the
>beloved dog and fellow hunter, little chance. What it
>takes is sharpshooting: a one shot, one target, one
>pig, one sticker.

    known fact, wipe 'em out one by one, including their pets.

>True, Horushi's snipe worked, it nailed an innocent, though
>a couple of others died to set him up for his own nailing.

>True, Waco worked, it charred a crowd of innocents, though a
>few others got plugged setting up the roast, and the 2nd roast.

    govt. instigation, to validate their need for more 
    suppressive laws on speech and firearms.

      "And the Clinton administration launched an attack
        on people in Texas because those people were
        religious nuts with guns.
       Hell, this country was founded by religious nuts 
        with guns." 
            --P.J.  O'Rourke.

    Ditto, Oklahoma City. classic case of burying the evidence, 

>True, firebombing works, as does mass weaponing --nukes, 
>chemicals and germs -- but indiscriminately, by terrorism
>of the masses, at the price of also terrifying the citizenry 
>paying for the megadeath heritage.

    the zealot does not care. there has never been mercy in
    war, but only the losers stood for "war crimes" --until
    Lt. Calley.

>All standoff firepower is limited against the individual by 
>imprecision of the killing machines and cowardice of the
>operators -- artillery, planes, ships, satellites, take your
>pick. They savage territory to save the operator's ass,
>who, as anyone knows who been around these candyass
>strutters, aint got what it takes to cut the guy's throat
>who's stabbing your eye.

    real easy for the candystripers to send troops they've
    never seen to their deaths --they're just numbers and 
    statistics. the 30 day wonder boy 2nd lieutenant has a
    better than 50% chance of dying with a bullet in his

    then they send the more blatant and visible ones to
    spec-ops where we can all get down to some serious killing.

    look the killer in the eye --tap him upside the head to
    see if the light is still on, and you can read the writing
    on the back wall of the cranium. reality check.

    I'll take 500 more of those over 50,000 Marines, thank you.

>What's my point? Well, for lack of a better word, it's personal
>courage, going nuts when the time's right, the guts to not shut 
>the fuck up when you're told to by those who're a whole lot 
>bigger, who've got more armaments and thinks they're smarter 
>and more ruthless and meaner and have the troops, rank and 
>medals to back it up. Just remember that most of those strengths 
>are for getting somebody else or a machine to do what is too 
>fucking terrifying to do yourself directly.

    patience, John, patience... let them give the fucking orders,
    then just go and do the job right.  

    dont worry, the strutting bastards will claim the credit for
    your kill anyway.

>Do this when the monster accosts: pull your forelock, say sorry 
>sir, then upstab the fucker's groin, as he doubles, hack the cord,  he'll go
>down quivering, then cut out his liver, kick up his green  face, squat close,
>show him the blob, take a bite, chew, savor,  swallow, put lip to dying ear,
>whisper, "tasty."

    yup, wait until he moves into position, thinking he has his
    way, then put that boot on his gonads all the way to his 
    throat.  patience, patience, kill.

        then toss your calling card on the scene.

>Go home, get a beer, stare the tube, sharpen your tool. Or as
>maddog Tim sez, lock and load.

    I doubt Tim has his tools visible --just handy.

>But look, I'm with Bob, too, my tool's philosophy gone berzerk,
>trash words, wags, gags, alliterations, mouth shooting. My steel 
>weapons are locked from burglars who scare the shit out of me just by looking
>like ordinarily ugly wall streeters, that is, like my maddog  neighbors eyeing
>me for junk IPO sales.

    sure hate to be that maddog neighbor if he rubbed on you, 
    John.  who you kidding?

>Sure glad my war's long over, happily getting dimmer, easier to forget the
>godawful. Hey, it's veteran's day, anybody want to croak and limp  to glories

    remember 1964.

    my uncle was 40 when he reupped Marines NCO for WWII; he was
    50 when he tried to reup Marines for Korea--they wouldn't
    let him go Marines, but he did go to Inchon as a Navy 

    in 1950, and even at the beginning of the 60s we thought we
    were doing our duty for God and for country --wrong.
    no, and I aint goin' to shut up with those bastards from
    Washington disgracing themselves and pissing away our 
    heritage in the New World Order bullshit --it's them same
    old stories of rape, pillage, and burn by the privileged 
    class --redistribution of wealth, disenfranchise the
    rest of us...  

    nothing new in history; read Catulus or Marcellus from 2,000 
    years ago.

    to the victor goes the spoils? not necessarily.

        to the victor goes the right to [re]write history.

    which is why crypto freedom is our freedom.

   "Giving money and power to the government is like
      giving whiskey and car keys to teenaged boys"
        --P J O'Rourke

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be
